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What I have learned as a senior in college

College is claimed to be the best times of our life. We are told to enjoy every moment of it because it will soon go away once we graduate. There are many things that I have learned throughout my four years at Central Washington University. Here is a list of some of the most important things I have learned:


1. Making time for friends is essential

2. Clubs help you gain friendships and networking opportunities

3. Attend all career fair events (you never know who is there because they may want to hire you)

4. Traveling for conferences is an amazing experience

5. Studying last minute will not cut it in college

6. College professors are not as strict as high school teachers told us they were

7. Resume and cover letter workshops are crucial and helpful

8. LinkedIn is relevant and a great networking site

9. Senioritis may be real for some, but for me I have a 3.6 GPA and straight A's this Winter quarter

10. There is plenty of time to exercise

11. The freshmen 15 (or as my roommate called it "the freshmen 30") is only real if you choose to eat unhealthy and not workout

12. Taking P.E. classes is a waste of time for the amount of credits you earn

13. Cleaning your dorm your freshmen year is important because you will most likely be sharing a room with someone

14. Don't dive into relationships too quickly

15. You don't need a million friends in college (find your group/friends and stick with them)

16. Office hours help tremendously

17. Group projects can be fun and a great way to meet new people

18. Walking and biking on campus is a great way to relax before arriving to class

19. The wind in Ellensburg is no joke and you must wear your hair up

20. Dining hall food isn't as awful as people say

21. Graduating scares me but I know I will make it far because I am passionate about what I do

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Meghan Rochelle

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