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My Fitness Journey

Updated: Apr 18, 2018

2016 High school senior year

The picture above was taken during my senior year of high school. Today I am a sophomore at Central Washington University. My fitness journey truly began when I was eleven years old. I used to do competitive dance for five years in California. My schedule was hectic and long because I would go to school and then dance three to four hours a day, five times a week (Tap, ballet, jazz-funk, hip-hop, lyrical, and the contemporary competitive team). I also added the cross country team to my schedule. I was moderately underweight for my age and height. I had a flat tummy, abs, and a small amount of body fat on me. No matter what I ate, I gained little to no weight because I was constantly training and working my body. My rigorous exercise routine came to a halt when I moved from California to Washington state before my sophomore year of high school started. My parents did not have enough money to keep me in multiple dance classes and I resented the idea of having to start all over at a new dance school. This caused me to join my high school's hip-hop dance team at my high school. Since I was no longer attending various dance classes and only dancing three times a week for two hours, I started to gain weight.

For me, the picture above is the biggest I have been. My face was chubbier, my belly was bigger, and I was not the most confident. To others, this may seem like a normal and healthy weight, but perception is different for everyone. I perceived myself as "fat". I started to resent myself for not staying at a dance school and maintaining my small figure. On the outside I was a confident, bubbly, and cheerful girl, but on the inside I was jealous of the bodies of other girls and I wished I kept a rigorous workout routine. I promised myself during senior year that once I graduated I would change my eating habits and establish a workout routine. I worked out everyday for one to two hours. I lifted weights, boxed with a heavy-weight bag, did cardio, and worked out on machines. I even did the indoor iron man competition, which is a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run. I lost a lot of weight last year, but I maintained a healthy weight. My diet consisted of lots of fruits and veggies. I found protein in other ways because of my vegetarian lifestyle. I started to notice a big change in my mood and overall appearance. I was happier, more confident, and I felt proud.

Freshman Year of college 2016-2017

As you can tell, I am much happier in this photo and I am more toned. I began to see a change in my personality. I was less stressed because I was constantly getting rid of any bad emotions at the gym. The gym is a safe space for me and it continues to be that haven.

Currently, I am still going to the gym and eating healthy. As I am approaching my last quarter of Sophomore year, I have a bigger workload of school. I try to fit in one to two hours a day, five times a week for working out. If I do not make my goal of five times a week, it is usually three or four at the least. I feel that school is getting harder, so I have more studying to do, but I still have a passion for exercise and health.

Public Relations Student Society of America Conference 2018

PRSSA Next Gen Conference 2018 Fullerton, CA

The picture above is me two weeks ago at the California Next Gen Public Relations Student Society of America conference. I am so proud of the fitness and health goals I have reached in a short period of time. I am still continuing my journey because it truly never stops. I am excited for the new fitness and health goals I have set for myself. I would like to gain more arm muscle definition and a more toned back. I am proud of my accomplishments and I love to keep pushing myself to get better.

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1 Comment

Apr 18, 2018

This is fabulous! It is so wonderful to note, that everyone has their own perception of their body. You have never been fat, but you were bigger than what you were used to. I am glad to see you focusing on being healthy, and not trying to get smaller. A healthy lifestyle certainly has a positive effect on your physical, emotional, and intellectual well being.



Meghan Rochelle

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