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Guilt-Free Home Workout

Updated: Apr 30, 2018

Fitness model for this workout (My friend Lauren)

We have all dealt with balancing work and the gym at some point in life. Even if work ends before it is late at night, it can still be a struggle to gain the energy to leave the house and drive to the gym. That is why working out for even the smallest amount of time can change your day for the better. Working out can increase endorphins and get you moving and ready for the day.

Working out does not have to require the gym. You can workout virtually anywhere. If you have an open space in your home, dorm, garage, etc, you can work out. You just need a small amount of time, dedication, and the will to push your body the furthest it can go.

Whether you are looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or to live a healthy life, these workouts can help you reach your goals. Working out does not have to be time consuming or dreadful. Working out should be a time for yourself to enjoy. One of the perks of working out in the comfort of your own home/garage/etc., is the fact that you can be alone. This can increase the will to push yourself harder because no one is there to look at you.

Do not let work, people, or even school stop you from completing your fitness goals. Grab a planner and schedule out set times to work out. You do not have to work out for one to two hours straight. It can easily be broken up into time fragments throughout the day.

Follow my at home workout below and you can see how easy it is to get a full workout in without having to waste time or gas driving to the gym. I hope you enjoy this fun and guilt-free at home workout as much as I do!

#1 Power Crunches


1. 10 regular crunches with feet on ground (legs bent)

2. 10 crunches with raised leg at 90 degrees (first right then left)

3. 10 crunches with both legs at 90 degrees

4. 10 crunches with straight right leg

5. 10 crunches with straight right leg and straight left leg

6. With legs still in air, crunch to the right and left by turning your torso each direction. 10 crunches (left), 10 crunches (right), repeat for eight, six, four, two, and one (all switching left and right).

7. 10 crunches normal with legs still straight

8. 10 crunches with right knee bent

9. 10 crunches with both knees bent

10. 10 crunches with one knee at 90 degrees and one leg with feet on the ground

11. 10 crunches with both feet on the ground

#2 Fire Hydrants and Donkey Kicks


1. Sit with hands on the ground and knees on the ground

2. Lift up right leg bent and lower (repeat for 10 reps)

3. Lift up left bent and lower (repeat for 10 reps)

4. Lift up right leg and keep it straight (pulse for 10 seconds)

5. Lift up left leg and keep it straight (pulse for 10 seconds)

6. Lift right leg and kick as high as you can go (repeat for 10 reps)

7. Lift left leg and kick as high as you can go (repeat for 10 reps)

8. Lift right leg to the side and lift up and down (repeat for 10 reps).

9. Lift left leg to the side and lift up and down (repeat for 10 reps).

10. Keep right/left leg lifted and open leg as if you were a dog urinating on a fire hydrant Open and close your legs (10 reps)

#3 Side-to-side crunches


1. Lay flat on your back wit knees bent

2. Crunch from side to side for 30 seconds

3. Repeat three to four more times

#4 Clamshell


1. Lay on your side with one hand in front and one hand supporting the head

2. Have legs stacking on top of each other

3. Slowly open up the top leg and lower for five seconds

4. Repeat for 10-15 reps

#5 Mermaid


1. Lay on your side with one hand in front and one hand supporting the head

2. Lift the lower part of the legs until the hip is lightly lifting off the ground

3. Hold this position for 10 seconds

4. Bend the legs outward

5. Open your legs out to being straight again

6. Repeat this process three to five times

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Meghan Rochelle

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